Blogging, Not Just for Moms
Blogging Not Just for Moms

Is There a Blog for Me?

I love reading blogs. I read the ‘Mommy Blogs’ because they have such a fresh approach to life. They talk about how to feed a family of 4 on $50 a week, cheap vacations, school, and lots of other kid and young family stuff. But what about me?

What’s Left?

With the variety of blogs out there, where do I fit in? I’m over 50, not ready to retire, no kids at home, and grandkids are teens. I have a lot to offer.

As a former ‘Mommy’ turned Mom, I see my early mother self in many of Mommy Blog posts. I aspired to be a great Mommy and I understand aspiring to be great. I am not sure I qualified as a great Mom but I did produce a great son. In my 40’s I managed to acquire two other adult children born from other Moms. I continued to aspire to greatness as all three of these ‘children’ grew from very young adulthood into real self-sufficient adults.

When I turned 50 life seemed to change. Wondering when I could retire and how to deal with health concerns I never expected.  I found myself wishing there was more online that was geared toward my life stage. Not only are health concerns different but finances are different. Many of us 50 and 60 somethings are recovering from debt. As we grew into adulthood debt was considered a normal part of life.

Moving On

Our children are living on their own and retirement is just around the corner. Are we financially ready? How do we get ready? I wonder what would I do with all that freedom. What are other people doing? Is travel all there is? When I was 30 I could not see this point in my life. Now it is blaring like a train horn and I sometimes feel lost.

I approach life from a different perspective than the younger bloggers. I find that there are not many blogs written by those of us in this life stage. I have seen targeted blogs for travel and retirement but I have not run across many that are just general all around lifestyle for the older crowd. As I move though this stage of life and discover all of the things that make it great, I know this blog will be an adventure for me and hopefully for you.

moving from 50 to 60 and learning to live life slowly