Happy 60th Birthday! - Of Pandas and Pink Lemonade
Happy 60th Birthday!

And as I complete year 60, I am reminded it is my 14th bonus birthday. Again I marvel at that number, 60. Wow, can you believe it? As I write this I am in Ventura, California with my Mom. Who better to spend such a landmark day with than the one who gave me life? I treasure every single second I am here. And anxiously await as the puzzle pieces come together so she can finally move to Austin, Texas.  

Almost all of my Hueneme High School graduating class of 1977 (and a few friends from other high schools in Ventura County) has turned or will turn 60 in 2019 so Happy 60th Birthday to all of you and to the rest of you reading this. Whatever your age, I wish you a Happy Birthday and with many, many, many more to come. You are a blessing in my life and I treasure you. 

I made a few goals for my 60th year and met some, some I put away for a while, and others I am moving to this year. Looking over the last year, I can see the many places I have been blessed and the many accomplishments. 

In 2019 my, really our business, CenTex Mobile Notary & Process Servers started supporting my husband, Pat, and I. It has given me a very different outlook on my future. I realized I had control over my circumstances. I could and did make it work.  

In becoming successful it gave me the confidence to help others see their potential. I have become a mentor to many notaries both locally and all over the country. Helping others see that they have potential and opportunity is one of the things that makes my heart totally sing.  

I am aiming high this year because now the direction to move is up. The further up I go, the more you will believe you can too I have new goals and will resurrect some I set aside last year. This year it is about you. How can I serve you? How can I inspire you? When can we meet for coffee or a taco? When can we chat?  

Join me as I journey through this 61st year. Let’s take the world by storm, just you and me. The world is our oyster, the pearls are glistening.  

moving from 50 to 60 and learning to live life slowly